/, Learning, Public Speaking/The Speaker Transmedia Mindmap: Building Your Content Marketing Mosaic

The Speaker Transmedia Mindmap: Building Your Content Marketing Mosaic

As a speaker, you may be wondering how multimedia solutions fit into the overall business marketing strategy. Creating compelling content is just one part of it.  You need to have appropriate distribution channels for your expert content, and it must engage your audience, prospects and clients.

According to Canada Media Fund Keytrends Report 2014, “value is now generated by the relationship between audience and content” and “the intent is to give participating audiences the opportunity to add value to the content distribution process.”

You want to meet your audience on the channels where they already interact with information and other people and make it easy for them to share and talk about your content.  The Speaker Transmedia Mindmap is a visual guide that shows how you can use multimedia solutions across various media channels to evolve your story.  Each channel can serve as a door into your transmedia world and an invitation to experience your story from different angles and perspectives. Click here to see the full-size image.

Speaker Transmedia Mindmap

What would your transmedia platform look like? Let’s chat about it when you sign up for our complimentary consultation at http://bookphoria.com/register-for-your-complimentary-consultation/

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By | 2014-02-17T21:41:09+00:00 February 17th, 2014|Communication, Learning, Public Speaking|0 Comments

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